Student Stories

“Although my academic journey as a first-generation college student has not been an easy one, I am proud to admit that my perseverance has led me to pursue many opportunities offered at Housatonic. Upon my graduation from Housatonic, I am hoping to earn a Nursing degree. Your earnest investment in my future goals will not be forgotten. Thank you again for your very important financial assistance.”

“I was considering not attending college this semester due to financial challenges. While I write this letter, I cannot stop crying for this huge help that I received. This award means a lot to me... but also, to all my family who are in Argentina feeling proud that I am the first one attending college and getting a higher education.”

“Overcoming financial difficulties and navigating a demanding schedule have shaped my character and instilled in me a deep appreciation for the opportunities that an education affords. I firmly believe that by merging my passion for sustainability and technical skills, with the financial assistance provided by this scholarship, I will be able to concentrate on my studies, participate in research opportunities, and gain practical experience, which are crucial for my for my personal and professional growth.”

“I am deeply appreciative of your belief in my potential and your generous support towards my academic journey. This scholarship not only alleviates the financial burden on my family but also motivates me to strive for excellence in my studies. Your recognition serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that collective efforts can have on an individual's life.”

“I am a single mom, with two daughters, and do not have a college degree. I am ultimately seeking an Accounting Degree to further myself and my career. As obtaining a degree is very expensive, the scholarship has relieved me of the financial burden associated with doing so... I take pride in my schoolwork and apply 110% in everything I do. I really enjoyed the course, loved learning from my professor, and am appreciative of the new skills I developed.”

“I started studying Computer Science at a university in Ukraine, but due to the war, I had to relocate to a safer place. Even though I did well in my exams and studied for free, I had to leave the university after only one year.
I strongly believe that education is crucial, which is why I wish to continue my studies here in the United States.”

"HCC was a bounce back into my education pathway. My experience here has helped me realize that I am still able to perform well in school, especially despite starting my first semester during the pandemic. HCC has equipped me with the tools that can benefit my education now, and for years to come. I’m majoring in Computer Science and I’m planning on transferring to Southern CT State University after I earn my Associate degree. I want to either be a full stack developer or a mobile developer for a larger tech company.”

"I have been a student at HCC for three years because I started my education with the ESL program. With the knowledge I am gaining at HCC and the knowledge I will earn at a 4-year university after HCC, I plan to develop my management, accounting and marketing skills to run my own business. Being at HCC has helped me gain confidence in myself and has taught me that having big goals and achieving them is possible.”

"My name is Francimara. I am a mom, a wife and from Brazil. I decided to start taking Medical Assistant classes to be able to achieve my childhood dream of working in the health care field. Since I was a kid, I have dreamed about taking care of people. I believe that everything in our lives happen for a reason and today I come to you, foundation board members, to thank you for choosing me as someone who deserves to receive this scholarship.
My goal is to work as a Medical Assistant, and then work toward becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I know I could help more people that way. In addition, I will be able to help my family financially.I came to HCC because I was looking for a school close to my house. I found much more than a school. I found a family. The teachers care about the students, and they have helped me at many levels. They have pushed me to get the best part of me as a student. I just want to thank you again for the amazing opportunity of receiving a scholarship.”

“Being a part of the Family Economic Security Program (FESP) excites me to know that a community of individuals care about the well-being of students seeking higher education. Not just students, but students who are mothers. This program is extremely important to mothers who need help mentally and financially. The convenience of having someone to talk to and the resources to help, is a major help towards moving forward with education when obstacles arrive"

"My name is Sebastiao Bastos-Neto. I have been going to HCC for a while and I have been having some of the best experiences. Not only has HCC provided the education I wanted to strive and study for but coding became a new thing for me in which I learned to love and embrace as not something I have to learn but something I would do for fun and enjoy learning here at HCC. Sometimes though I was so close to not being able to take these classes. With the COVID-19 virus having an impact on all of us, money was an issue, and as for me and my family, it still is.
My father and mother work day and night to try to keep the food on the table and the roof over my head so that I'm able to go to school. I refuse to ask my parents for money as they are working so hard to set their future and mine. COVID had a really big impact on us and all we have been doing is working nonstop to make up for it. Now I wish to study to become a successful programmer and acquire my networking certificate to help my family get back up on their feet so that they can be happy and full of life again, even if it means I finish school at a later time in my future, I can not leave the family that has sacrificed so much for ever since I have arrived in this country as an immigrant.
Things have been hard and tough throughout our lives ever since we came here to the US, but we're still here for a reason and that's because we have learned to overcome and succeed in our hardest times. Now is a time where I have to do the same and I will put every amount of brain power and hard labor that I can to not only succeed in my education but to succeed in my home and the outside world. Thank you."

“When I was invited to join the Family Economic Security Program (FESP) I was unsure if I would be a good fit. I am a super busy mom with a lot going on. I honestly felt undeserving of what the program had to offer. After the one-on-one meeting, I felt ok to ask for help and accept the support system FESP offers. FESP has helped and will continue to help empower me to take a step back and feel worthy. It makes me feel safe that there are people around me who genuinely want me to succeed.”

“I am writing to thank you for your generous scholarship to fund my academics this year. I am a Biology major with a passion for Chemistry and Sign Language. I plan to pursue a career in pharmacy upon graduating from Housatonic Community College. I am currently in my third year at HCC, carrying 50 credits, and plan to graduate in the spring of 2022. After graduation, I plan to attend a pharmacy school to earn my Doctorate in Pharmacy. Thanks to you, I am one step closer to that goal.
By awarding me your scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.”

“I never take things for granted and I was taught by my mother to be very appreciative and grateful, as such, receiving the Scholarship was a blessing and an honor. I am very thankful as this scholarship has not only helped me decide and navigate my future direction, but it also motivated me to push myself harder and to excel in the program by cementing my self-motto “challenging work brings eventual success.” I am dedicated and committed to being successful in the program and continuing with my Associate degree at HCC and pursuing technology education at college.”

“I am very grateful for your help as it has enabled me to continue my journey through the Surgical Tech program. In an uncertain economy that has been greatly affected by an unsuspecting pandemic, it is very important to me to continue my education and expand my skill set to remain a candidate in today’s workforce. I am enjoying the Surgical Tech program and learning a lot! I also am finding great satisfaction in knowing that I am having more of a hands-on contribution to patient care. My future goals are to complete the surgical program, gain some work experience, then continue my education into nursing.” – Richard

My name is Arismelba Rosario Osoria. I am currently taking my final classes to complete my associate's degree at HCC. The person on the right of the picture is my mother; I am on the left. People always think we are sisters, but she is 51 years old with a great spirit. She is the reason why I have not given up during my college career. Scholarship support from the HCC Foundation has helped to complete my studies by lifting the school's financial burden. My mother and I are very close and hardworking. Still, it was not possible to finish HCC this year without this scholarship since I had to finally take 3-4 classes per semester to finish my HCC journey.
My community college journey started in 2013, and finally, eight years later, I can complete my degree. Rent and life expenses are getting higher. During this pandemic, we have felt the struggle. However, with the support of the HCC Foundation, I concentrated on the already challenging remote learning because I knew I did not have to drop a class to get an extra job to pay for my classes. I was also able to finish my HCC career with a 3.84 GPA.
This year I am transferring to the University of Bridgeport to pursue my bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene, and hopefully, after that, continue into Dental School. HCC has made that possible for me and has helped me forge a clear path of my goals and what steps I should follow. I always connected with most of my professors who understood us young adult students who balance school and work life. This summer is my last semester at HCC, which is bittersweet. However, I can proudly say I am alumni of the school that helps make things happen, with a caring staff and with donors and the HCC Foundation that have your back in moments of the financial trial so people like me can have a college career.

“From my high school, the principal suggested that I join the Advanced Manufacturing Program. I was not a big fan at the beginning; however, when we made our 1st project, I loved the Manufacturing industry. You get to cut and make beautiful tools out of a blank piece of metal.
I did not know what career path to choose from when I was in high school, plus, Manufacturing/ Engineering was not on my radar. I am glad AMTC made the High School program because that is how I found out about it. Since I liked to work with my hands, this is a perfect fit for me.
I am currently working on earning my Associate at HCC then plan to transfer for my Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering.”
The HCC Foundation asked Omar about his financial needs to pursue his dream of obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering.
"Since I am going to be the first generation to finish college, I would need all the support that I get. Without financial support, it will be difficult finishing college on time, plus I'll have to work extra hours to pay off school tuition. That might impact my GPA negatively and delay my graduation for years. It would be definitely hard to continue beyond HCC without any financial help. I may have to work two different jobs just to pay for school which might negatively affect my school performance.”

“When HCC came to my high school with the opportunity to join the manufacturing program, it was hard to pass up as one, manufacturing involves a big portion of what I’ve always wanted to do with my life, which was creating products for people (problem solving and inventing), and two, it was a clear head start to doing that. Furthermore, it was clear that it would help me financially in my college endeavors.
Engineering was my main goal, problem-solving and inventing is what I want to do with my life and this helps me pursue that. Something that I am very fond of in the shop is using the prototrak machines and programming on there. This is similar to something more advanced and 3D, which is probably something I am best at and love to do, is use autodesk and or solidworks.
My career goals are to work with a company that has a solid foundation that doesn’t move their workers around a lot, that teaches and doesn’t just throw me into the melting pot. I would love to do something with inventing, and become a journeyman after I complete my apprenticeship.
I will need financial aid when I pursue a 4-year school to get my Bachelors, which is what I plan on doing, because in this field, these degrees essentially mean more pay, which is extremely vital for me. My plan is to explore available transfer scholarships after I am out of HCC this Spring and continue in the manufacturing/engineering field at SCSU.”