Career Readiness Pipeline Programs
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center
HCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center (AMTC) is a pipeline for the state’s manufacturing industry, Connecticut’s third largest sector. With training designed to respond to specific employer-driven manufacturing needs, the AMTC program prepares students to join CT’s manufacturing community of over 4,400 companies.
The AMTC offers a 9-month intensive training for students. The program boasts high job placement rates with graduates reporting an average starting base salary between $40,000 to $60,000 annually. These graduates, gainfully employed in manufacturing, along with other incumbent workers, are able to continue their education at HCC in both credit and non-credit programs allowing them to further improve their manufacturing skill sets, increase their earning potential and secure a career path in manufacturing. For many students, this opportunity would not have been possible without the HCC Foundation’s support; scholarships, book funds and other financial assistance of $50,000+ annually make this happen for the majority of students.
The Foundation also helps fund College Connections, a dual enrollment opportunity for high school students to earn up to 18 college credits toward a certificate in Advanced Manufacturing. College Connections is a valuable program that introduces high school students to manufacturing and often times sparks a new interest in pursing education and careers in this sector. College Connections is a pipeline into HCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Program where students have the opportunity to earn their certificate, and also advance to earn a higher degree.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)
Over 1,000 students pursue higher education in one of HCC’s 50+ STEAM associate degree or certificate options. All are focused on help students obtain wage sustaining jobs with high growth potential in meaningful careers. Under STEAM disciplines, students can choose from associate degree or certificate options such as Medical Assisting, Surgical Technology, Engineering, Technology Studies, Art Studies, Biology Studies, Web Design Technology, Manufacturing and Machine Technology, and more.
STEAM programs at HCC emphasize the sustainability of careers through Labor Market Data, new degree and certificate program development and planning as influenced by in-demand jobs and high growth sectors and career. HCC maintains viable partnerships with industry and employers to provide a relevant projection of current industry demands and practices, and to continue to increase guided career pathways for students.
HCC strives to increase recruitment and retention in underrepresented minorities in STEAM degrees and certificates through its community and school partnerships, professional memberships, and external and internal marketing and outreach efforts.
The HCC Foundation advances learning opportunities for students in STEAM including funding for the Annual STEAMfest, STEAM Center of Excellence, STEAM student club, Faculty and Staff STEAM Taskforce, Earth Day Celebration, and membership to the Greater Bridgeport STEM EcoSystem. More recently, a new agriculture and gardening course work began last year, as well as the establishment of a chapter of the National STEM Honor Society to inspire future student leaders of our increasingly tech-driven world by nurturing STEM education and innovation through project-based learning, leadership development, and community collaboration.
Supplemental Instruction Program
The Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program is an academic assistant program that increases student performance and retention. SI is based on the well-respected University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC) model which is used to address attrition issues, especially among minority students. It was implemented at HCC four years ago, and consistently boasts increased retention, course pass rates and higher GPAs compared to non-participating HCC students.
SI targets historically difficult courses, or those that have a high rate of D or F grades and withdrawals, rather than high-risk students. These classes are often considered the “gatekeepers” or barriers for student advancement to earning degrees in competitive fields such as STEAM, and onto four-year higher academic institutions.
SI seeks to help students master course content by fostering a deeper understanding of the material and to encourage students to reflect on their growth while helping them achieve their fullest potential, preparing them for lifelong learning. HCC Foundation funding supports stipends for SI student leaders as well as programming costs.